Family Resources

Local Resources and Information

Yukon Public Schools Facebook Page - Find out the latest information from the Yukon Public Schools district including lunch pick-up locations and the latest on school cancellations.

Mustang Public Schools Facebook Page - Find out the latest information from the Mustang Public Schools district including lunch pick-up locations and the latest on school cancellations.

Family Resources

Are you looking for resources or ideas to help keep your children entertained and occupied? Here is a list of resources we have found to help you! This list is not complete; feel free to help us add to it. Email to share your ideas!

Talking to your Kids about COVID-19

These resources can help you explain what the Coronavirus is, how it affects us, and why we are practicing social distancing.

How to talk to your kids about COVID-19

A comic explaining COVID-19

Academic Resources

60 Awesome Websites for Teaching and Learning Math

Fun Brain - Play games while practicing math and reading skills!

Nat Geo for Kids - Learn all about geography and fascinating animals!

PBS Kids - Hang out with your favorite characters all while learning!

Arts and Culture Resources

Imagineering in a Box - Learn how the Disney Parks come to life with this free Khan Academy lesson series

OKC Zoo Live- Join the zoo as they look at a different animal each via Facebook Live at 2pm daily.

Lunch Doodle with Mo Willems - Join the author and illustrator of Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus every day on Facebook live

Virtual Tours of Museums around the World

Virtual Farm Tours - Tours of three different farms for kids of all ages

Religious Resources

Superbook  - Bible story videos and games

RightNowMedia -


APRIL 26TH - "Isaacs Happy Family"

This week: Isaac's Happy Family

What is your favorite thing to do with your family? In today's lesson we will learn about Isaac and his wife Sarah and the happy family God have them. I want to encourage you all to think of something about your family that makes you happy!


APRIL 19TH, 2020 - "I do Believe"

Even when things get scary God is still protecting us. In today's lesson we will learn about a man who was afraid but when he put his trust in Jesus everything was ok! Our memory verse this week is Mark 5:36, it says, "Do not be afraid; just believe."