Virtual Egg Hunt


Hi CCY! Our traditional easter egg hunt is canceled but we present to you a virtual easter egg hunt for the entire family! Join us on Saturday April 11th for fun and fellowship online. Here's how to participate! What does the resurrection mean to you? Show us by creating a photo scene with your entire family. Within the scene, place easter eggs that you have created for a virtual scavenger hunt! Be creative by using any materials yo have at home. While we are live on facebook we will drive by your home and let the viewers count how many eggs they see while we take your keepsake easter photo. Be creative in your pose and setting and be ready for your photo as we drive by. Sign up at by Thursday to participate and tune in on Saturday to watch and listen to stories, music and what the resurrection means to our members. Participate in the Easter Egg Virtual hunt by counting all the eggs seen during the Facebook live!Happy Easter and don't forget to sign up at