Welcome to Our Secret Sister Program!

"Encourage one another and build each other up..." - 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Dear Sisters in Christ,

We are excited to announce the launch of our Secret Sister Program here at CCY! This unique and heartwarming program is designed to foster deeper connections, offer spiritual support, and create an environment of encouragement within our church's community of women.

What is the Secret Sister Program?

The Secret Sister Program is a year-long journey of faith, friendship, and encouragement. Participants will anonymously be paired with another sister in Christ from our congregation. Throughout the year, you'll have the opportunity to pray for, encourage, and uplift your Secret Sister, even without revealing your identity.

How Does It Work?

  1. Sign-Up & Information Gathering: Interested ladies can sign up by completing a simple form. This form includes basic information about yourself, your interests, prayer requests, and any specific encouragement you might need.

  2. Pairing:  We will prayerfully pair you with another participant – your Secret Sister for the year.

  3. Encouraging Your Secret Sister: Once paired, you'll receive your Secret Sister's information form (without revealing who she is). Throughout the year, you are encouraged to pray for her, send her notes of encouragement, and small gifts, and perhaps even anonymously participate in acts of kindness.

  4. Maintaining Secrecy: The beauty of this program lies in the mystery! Your Secret Sister's identity will be a well-kept secret until the grand reveal.

  5. Reveal Party: At the end of the year, we will host a special reveal party where Secret Sisters will finally meet and share their past year's experiences.

Why Join the Secret Sister Program?

  • Spiritual Growth: Engage in regular prayer for another person, strengthening your faith and relationship with God.
  • Foster Connections: Build unseen yet meaningful connections within our church family.
  • Encouragement & Support: Be a source of support and encouragement, reminding your Secret Sister that she is loved, valued, and prayed for.

Ready to Join?

  • Sign Up Here: Sign-up forms are under the staircase at CCY or by going to this link 
  • Deadline for Sign-Up: Sunday, February 11th, 2024
  • Program Duration: February 2024 to December 2024
  • Reveal Party Date: December 2024 (Date to be determined).

For any queries or further information, feel free to reach out to Kathy Rumbo at 405-354-0245.

We warmly invite you to participate in this journey of faith, love, and encouragement. Let's uplift each other and build a stronger, more connected church family!