Valentines Day Dinner and Concert at CCY
Feb 14th, 2020 at 7pm.

"Valens-Tine" Concert
February 14th, 2020 at 7pm
Frankie Valens was a nightclub singer in the late 60s early 70s who's signature song was "This Magic Moment." He also recorded "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes" and "She Cried." He toured the United States and Canada and was showcased in Las Vegas.
Frankie had the opportunity of singing in front of 35,000 enthusiastic Quixstar folk, where on the same ticket were former president Ronald Reagan and country singer Crystal Gale.
He sang for the inauguration of a former mayor of San Diego, California, and for former California Governor Pete Wilson's 60th birthday party at Sea World in San Diego. For two consecutive years he was a featured performer at First Night San Diego, an alcohol-free alternative for New Year's Eve in San Diego, California. The Byrds, The Platters, and The Boxtops are 60s groups with whom Frankie has shared the spotlight over the past few years.
Phyllis is an accomplished concert pianist and has written children's music for Standard Publishing for Vacation Bible Schools courses or over 20 years including theme songs for 1979 and 1985. She writes some of the music the couple sings and has presented full piano concerts.
They have travelled in their gospel music concert for nearly 30 years.They have also ministered in Rescue Missions, The Salvation Army and prison as a part of their love for God's people everywhere.
A description of their "Valens-tine" concert: A smorgasbord of love music through the ages that begins with old favorites such as "Let Me Call You Sweetheart," a fun skit about two famous lovers (Samson and Delilah), a moving to the era of ragtime piano, proceeding to "oldies" love songs that Frankie used to sing in the night clubs and closing with numbers from a Christian musical. It is a delightful way to say "I love you." They can guarantee a wonderful time will be had by all while honoring our Lord.
Dinner will be prepared by Chef Eric Pendleton who never ceases to amaze! The menu will be posted in the next week.
Book your tickets now! Childcare will be available.